

Considering a liposculpture

Liposculpture is a technique used to model the body contour, extracting, mobilizing or transferring part of the subcutaneous fat tissue. It is the method of choice for removing localized fat that is not easily eliminated by diet or exercise. Liposculpture can be performed on unwanted fat deposits in the superficial areas of the body, including the chin, neck and cheeks; the upper part of the arms and the upper part of the breasts; the abdomen, the back, the buttocks, the hips, the thighs, the knees, the calves, the ankles and any other area of the body where subcutaneous fatty tissue is found. It is usually performed under local anesthesia, with intravenous sedation and in most cases it is outpatient, that is, without hospitalization.

The best candidates

Liposculpture can improve your appearance and the confidence you have in yourself, but it will not produce changes in your bone and / or muscle structure, which determine the basic and elemental form of your body. Before deciding on this procedure, think carefully about your expectations and talk with us about them. The best candidates for liposuction are people with relatively normal weight but who have accumulations of fat in specific areas. As a candidate you must be physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic with your expectations. Above all, if you have a firm and elastic skin you will get better results in the contour. In some cases, the skin that hangs will not acquire the shape of the new contours of the body and may require an additional procedure to surgically remove excess skin. This procedure will leave visible scars and may be performed at the same time of liposculpture or sometimes a few months later. This is an important fact to be taken into account, since although age does not constitute a condition for liposculpture, over the years skin loses elasticity, and the possibility of this type of excess skin patches should be taken into account.

Planning your surgery

During the initial consultation, we will evaluate your health, determine where the conflicting fat deposits are and carefully evaluate the tonicity of your skin. We will explain any alternate method that is convenient to use to reshape the body and that may be more appropriate such as a tummy tuck or stomach tightening and we will explain the best combination of procedures for you.

Preparing for your surgery

We will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including certain rules about what to eat, drink, smoke, and what vitamins, iron tablets, and certain medications to take or avoid. If you get a cold or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection, you will have to postpone your procedure. When making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to take you home after surgery and to help you for a day or two.

Where will your surgery be done?

The surgery will be performed in the Sanatorium, which has all the necessary medical equipment for your safety and comfort. You should arrive about 30 minutes before the scheduled time, to make the entry procedures, make a complete medical history, and take preoperative photographs. In your room you can change clothes. After the surgery, he will stay in the clinic for two to four hours, until we make sure everything is in order and he can return to his home, where he will continue to rest.

Types of anesthesia

Liposculpture can be performed under local, regional, epidural or general anesthesia. The technique we use combines a type of local anesthesia with a soft intravenous sedation, by which you will be awake, but relaxed, without feeling pain, and indifferent to surgery and whose effect will be gradually removed in the following hours. The technique of local anesthesia is called tumescent local anesthesia, because it consists in the introduction of a large volume of anesthetic liquid (formed by physiological solution, lidocaine and adrenaline), through each of the insitions, in the areas of treat, and to instill that amount of volume, the areas will be tumefactas.Con this, the removal of fat is extremely easy, because the anesthetic solution fluidizes the fat, making it extremely simple to remove, while the vasoconstrictor effect ( reducing the size of the blood vessels) of adrenaline (part of the anesthetic solution) causes the bleeding to be minimal. Anesthesia is administered through a very thin cannula that is inserted under the skin, by means of small insulations of approximately 2 mm.


In liposculpture the time required can vary considerably from thirty minutes to several hours-depending on the area (or areas) and the size of them and the amount of fat that is sucked. In liposuction, localized deposits of fat are removed to model one or more parts of the body.

 To begin the procedure a small incision is made in the skin, of approximately 1mm that allows the insertion of an empty tube called a cannula, that allows performing the corresponding anesthesia. Then, and by the same inscription, a cannula that is connected to a vacuum pump or a syringe is inserted into the fatty tissue, depending on the situation. The cannula is moved in the depth of the layers of fat under the skin, diluting the fat and sucking it. In the event that the areas to be treated are multiple, additional incisions will be needed to remove all areas of fat, always trying to make them as inapparent and concealed as possible. With this technique called tumescent, a large amount of liquid will be instilled, part of which will be removed along with the fat, and the remnant will slowly drain through the instions during the first 12 postoperative hours. The mini inserts are left open to facilitate this drainage, and also, being so small, it is not necessary to suture them. Pulmonary embolism has been described as a serious but rare complication of this surgery (3 in 100,000 cases).

After surgery

After the surgery, especially in the first 12 hours, you may feel that a pink liquid runs through the insitions, which is part of the solution that we have instilled to solubilize the fat. We will indicate the use of an elastic garment, girdle or body mesh over the treated area to control inflammation and also to help your skin adjust to its new contour. You will probably need to wear this garment continuously for two or three weeks, then only during the day for a few weeks depending on your surgeon’s instructions. We will prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections, which should be taken for 7 days. Do not expect to look or feel very well right after surgery, although the new liposuction tubes have managed to reduce post-discomfort, you may feel some temporary pain, swelling, burning and bruising.

This discomfort can be controlled with regular analgesic medication, although you may feel limited in certain movements, sore or numb for a few days. In some cases, patients feel depressed days or weeks after surgery. Try to remember that this is normal and that it will disappear when you start to look and feel better. The swelling and bruising will gradually disappear in the following 4 weeks, during this time it is recommended not to expose yourself to the sun. You will begin to see the results after 4 to 6 weeks, although the end of this process of disinflammation and obtaining your new body form will be after 6 months. The persistence of edema or swelling is frequent for a few days and is treated by massage or manual lymphatic drainage.

Returning to normal

Recovery is a gradual process. You will be instructed to start moving, walking, as soon as possible, but will also tell you to avoid more demanding activities for two or four weeks. For the most part, the inscriptions are so small (3 mm) that they do not need to be sutured. The time at which you continue your activities depends on the degree of your procedure and how you feel. Most of the inflammation and bruising discoloration disappears in about 4 weeks after surgery, and between 4 and 6 weeks you can begin to observe the results of the surgery, although the final result will be at 6 months.

Your new look

Liposculpture is a highly effective technique to give a new contour to your body with minimal scars and a very pleasant postoperative period. The results can begin to be seen from 4 to 6 weeks when most of the edema has been eliminated, it will gradually evolve and its new body contour will be defined. The results can be permanent as long as you eat in moderation and exercise regularly. If you gain weight, you probably do so with more even weight distribution in your body, not just in the previous concentrated areas. Most patients are very satisfied with the results of their liposuction they feel more comfortable with their bodies and when dressing a wide variety of garments. As long as your expectations are realistic, you will be happy with your new body.

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Contact us by WhatsApp at +54 9 11 4071-6977 and we will get in touch as soon as possible.