

The adipocytes manufacture liquids and proteins that compress the neighboring structures, causing a local inflammatory process of its own signs: changes in temperature, pain and changes in the aesthetic appearance of the skin known as “orange peel”. This aspect has to do with the accumulation of substances in a space that is not very extensible, with the skin as a ceiling, the floor as the muscles and walls as the fibrous partitions. In this way, the deformity caused by the thickening of the fat layer is produced which, because it can not be distributed downwards, alters the aesthetic appearance of the surface. This inflammatory process called “cellulitis” produces the accumulation of proteins and fluids in the spaces between the fat cells causing compression of the lymphatic vessels, veins and the adipocytes themselves, preventing normal circulation. We believe that cellulite represents, barely, “the tip of the iceberg”, since it is the part of the problem that is seen: in reality, it is the external expression of a sum of factors that are in the depth and that are the real causes of the orange skin. We consider that the problem of venous microcirculation should be treated, identifying it as the main generator of toxin accumulation, and fluid in the inter and extracellular space, which after a while will generate an inflammatory reaction that will culminate in the formation of fibrous septa, which they will give the skin appearance to the skin. We consider that it should be treated jointly, considering the 4 big legs of the treatment against cellulite, healthy diet, aerobic exercise, mesotherapy and lymphatic drainage. It should be taken into account that more than 70% of women have some degree of cellulite, so it is not considered as a disease, but as a normal process that can occur in women. That is why, in case of having some degree of cellulite, you can decrease that grade, even make it disappear in the lower grades, but it will never be cured, that is, after leaving the treatment, cellulite may return. What we will achieve with the treatment will be to stop and reverse this process.


Mesotherapy is an intradermal treatment with anti-inflammatory, lipolytic and venotropic drugs, among others, infiltrated a few millimeters. of depth in the skin, allowing a more continuous local action on the place where the pathology is. Mesotherapy is considered an intradermal patch (below the skin), which will gradually and continuously release the injected medication. The procedure is almost painless, depending on the pain threshold of the patients, being able to continue their habitual activities, immediately after the application. Its applications are very varied: from the well-known cellulite to the unattractive stretch marks. It is indicated normally and according to the case, 10 applications at a rate of once a week, to then decrease its frequency, as a maintenance. We also use a product of Italian origin, whose main component is FOSFATIDILCOLINA. It acts directly on localized adiposity clusters, breaking the fat cell membrane, dissolving the adipocytes, eliminating them by urine and fecal matter. You can treat the area of ​​riding pants, inner side of thighs, hips, abdomen, knees, etc …. Six to 15 infiltrations of Phosphatidylcholine are indicated with space of 7 to 15 days between them, enhancing their action with a weekly session of lymphatic drainage. The results begin to be noticed from the second application, considerably improving the appearance of the orange skin. With this treatment it is possible to reduce up to two sizes, depending on the type of life of each patient.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a great complement in the treatment of cellulite, since it acts by sweeping toxins, and helping to de-dry the legs, decreasing the inflammation produced in the early stages of cellulite.


Radiofrequency treatment to improve cellulite and flaccidity acts as follows: Radiofrequency produces a deep heating that affects the skin and subcutaneous fat tissue. This heating will favor the lymphatic drainage which will allow to diminish the liquids and toxins in which the fat cells of the tissue affected by cellulitis are embedded. In turn there will be an increase in the circulation of the area that will improve the metabolism of both the subcutaneous fat tissue and the improvement of the appearance of the accompanying skin. And last but not least, Radiofrequency causes the formation of new collagen in both the skin and the subcutaneous tissue, allowing all the tissue to acquire firmness.

Duration of Radiofrequency treatment Regarding the duration of treatment, it is a variable time depending on the area to be treated. Small areas such as arms or abdomen are usually done in 25-30 minutes, wider areas such as cartridge belts can last 45-50 minutes per session.

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